Well readers, today my Uterus pushed out Mirena :/
Last night, I had sex and everything was totally fine and normal. Then, when I woke up, I noticed my period was getting heavy which is unusual after being on it for 5 days already. As I got ready for the day, I noticed I was having increasungly bad cramps. I thought it was strange and planned to call my doctor when I got to work.
On the bus to work, they got worse. But they also came and went, so I really wasn't sure how alarmed I should be. As I walked to work, I noticed I needed to walk slower and I was winded faster (I have to walk up a steep hill). When I got to work, I called my a nurse right away, telling her my issues. She got me in that day and I initially decided to try to work a few hours before going.
That did not happen. Within an hour, I was having intense, not-going-away-even-with-pain-killers-type-cramps. I went into the bathroom and doubled over in pain, punching the stalls and deep down knowing that I was probably pushing it out. I left work and asked to get in the doctor ASAP.
On the bus to the office, the cramps got better and I figured maybe the pain killers finally kicked in. The doctor asked me a few questions before taking a look. I told her everything was normal until today. When she looked at my strings, she thought she saw the tip of plastic but wasn't sure until she did a manual exam. Sure enough, it was practically already out. As I mentioned in a previous post with Skyla, getting it taken out is painful! Anything passing through your cervix is painful, even blood clots. So, when she pulled it out, I was shocked when I didn't feel a thing. My body had done it already.
I also had to get an ultra sound to see if there is an observable reason why I push out IUDs. Could be that I have a funny shaped uterus, could be a fibroid, or I might just have strong uterine muscles. I get the results back tomorrow.
Now, I feel amazing! So relieved and free! No more pain, no more random cramps, no more shooting pain (especially in my ass... not sure if that is normal)! No more extreme drowsiness the week before my period either! No more reduced sex drive! I also noticed that with Mirena, my orgasms just weren't the same. Not as intense and I didn't get as into sex as I used to. Now I get to have better orgasms too!!
Not looking forward to the acne but meh.
From here, I don't know if I have any other bc options. I'm going to discuss it with my gyno on Monday but I'm prepared to hear that it's only Depo-Prevera. Either way, this weekend is going to be lovely and hormone freeeeeeeeeee.
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