Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mirena Crash?

Not sure if my body isn't keeping up with the blood loss or if I am experiencing the dreaded Mirena Crash, but either way; I am very, very tired. Like falling asleep and not remembering I even closed my eyes tired. Which is making me a tad delirious, woozy, and spacey. I just feel like my entire system is out of balance, almost like PMS but with less control.

I read this blog,  Empowered Sustainability, and I won't say I agree with everything she says about tampons and PMS, it did give me good advice on how to get my hormones back in balance.

The bleeding isn't getting better. I wanted to wait to take the mini pill until the bleeding stopped, but it appears that might not be an option. I'm really not sure how long I should wait for the bleeding to stop either. And then that gets me to thinking about how much birth control has fucked my system up...... Do I really want to go on birth control again to stop these symptoms that might be part of a larger problem?

There is a huge hormonal birth control push back and while I do not believe half of what is posted, it still gives me pause.

I hate to say it, but when it comes down to the bottomline, the fear of pregnancy is always going to win. And statistics don't pull in favor of Natural Family Planning.

If the bleeding doesn't stop by Friday, I'll start on the mini pill. Until then, I need all the sleep!

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