Thursday, March 19, 2015

Menstrual Cup Heaven!

The bleeding is still going strong. The Soft Cups just don't work when you get heavy clots, I've decided, otherwise I think they'd work pretty well. BUT, the menstrual cup IS A GOD SEND!!!

With the Soft Cup, it lasted about 2 hours, about the same as a tampon. Then I would get up and a gush of blood would come out and let's just say that I am thankful I have been wearing nothing but black pants. Somehow they spill out and it isn't pretty. Perhaps its user error, I'd need a free weekend to really troubleshoot. I just resorted back to tampons because I couldn't fuss with the Soft Cups while at work.

When I got home, my Eva Cup was waiting for me (finally!!). I immediately washed it and tried it out. It took some wiggling and squatting to get it up there, and then it didn't open. So I stood up, fussed with it some more, then squatted down again and it felt like it had opened. If it hadn't, I had a pad on anyway, so I wasn't too worried. Anyway, I clearly did it right because its been 3 hours and no leakage!!! HUZZAHHH!

I've read a lot about how there is a learning curve and most people need time to figure it out. I guess since I tried Soft Cups and kinda got the hang of those, the cup isn't as difficult for me? Not totally sure, and for all I know its beginners luck. Either way, I've almost forgotten I've been bleeding for almost two weeks straight.

Anyway, that's all for now.

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