Monday, November 18, 2013

Still going

It's been 8 days since I started my period and it's still there. Only yesterday did it show signs of easing up. Now, it's more like spotting again, and brownish in color, which to me, would signal the end of my period. So, that is frustrating. It's not heavy enough for a tampon, but it's there enough to need a pad, so I've gone through a lot of those. 

But, no pain! Not even one instance of a cramp for a few days now and that is pretty fucking awesome in my book. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

A few days later

I've had my period for 6 days now, which has not happened in years. But, it is really just blood. It doesn't have any clots, or tissue. And it's bright red, no dark brownish color like I'm used to seeing, except for the very first day. Also, mild cramps here and there, nothing major though.

Basically, this is a weird period. It doesn't show any signs of stopping either. There's no change in color, it's been on the light side this entire time. I've read other posts about first periods on Skyla and no one seems to have had the same reaction. A few talked about raging mood swings, but I really don't feel like I had any more PMS rage than usual and it happened right about when I expected to get my period. I also got mine right on schedule....

I guess I'm just frustrated right now because there is no consistency to the side effects, especially ones to my body's redactions to it. But at least with Implanon, I could relate to a few people! Maybe it's just because Skyla is so new. I can say that I don't regret getting it at this point! Still pretty afraid to have sex though, the thought makes my vagina cringe :/

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The next day...

Alright, the pain appears to have subsided. 

I'm not sure if that is just normal for having the IUD or if the hot yoga inspired that episode. Either way, it has passed! I've only taken one more dose of ibuprofen and that has been doing the trick beyond 4 hours. I've had some mild cramps this morning, but much more manageable. I'm also going to be doing hot yoga again tonight... hopefully that isn't a mistake.

I have noticed that my period is more like spotting. Super light, only really there when I wipe (sorry, tmi), and a small amount that actually leaks. I could probably get away with a panty liner and I'm not even sure there is enough to warrant a tampon. At first, on Sunday, it started out more like a period. I actually had to wear a tampon, but only really bled for s few hours. I won't complain about a light period, but I will complain about pillow punching cramps. Good god, that was horrible.

Oh Dear God... The pain

So, yesterday my period came. Right on the 20 day cycle schedule. At first, I had the occasional shooting pain. I took some ibuprofen and I was great for the next 24 hours.

Which leads to me to now, 24 hours later and I am in horrific pain. Like, punching pillows, writhing, fetal position pain. I recently looked up this stuff on forums and one lady was talking about these pains. She said they felt like labor pains! Obviously, I have no idea what labor pains feel like, but good god, these might be close. Right now, I'm laying on a heating pad, hoping that the ibuprofen is kicking in and I will actually be able to get some sleep, because the pain has gotten lesser as I write this.

I'm half tempted to go to the store right now (midnight) and get a huge thing of tonic water because it has quinine - a supposed wonder drug for period pains and water retention. 

I also did hot yoga today, because I'm trying to do 10 consecutive days. I couldn't even do some positions because of the pain, not even because I was tired (only on my 2nd class). 

So, that is where I am right now. Before, I had no spotting or weird discharge like I mentioned before. Everything was okay. Now, fuck my life.

And I'm still scared to even attempt having sex with this thing in. I feel like it's temperamental, and any hitting of the cervix might anger it. And that thought scares the living crap out of me. Like a whole new level of birth control: IUD anxiety!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 2

Things have gotten much better.

Little to no cramping. No discharge, no spotting. There is the very occasional spot of blood, but it doesn't bother me or show up in my underwear.

I am getting some PMS symptoms. Not sure what the means or when my period is going to arrive, but it started yesterday and I'm feeling it a lot more today. Sore boobs, mild cramps, and I'm also very tired! Hungry all the time.... Pretty usual fare for me around the time of my period. 

Before the IUD, my period came on the 15th, but the month before that it came on the 20th. If this pattern keeps up, my period will come in about 3 days. But, who knows! We will see.