Sunday, November 28, 2010

3 months

It's been awhile since I've done an update. Very busy with school and finals and papers and holidays. I'm still recovering and it isn't even over yet. Yikes!

It's been 3 months now and no problems! I did spot for one day on the 21st but it was minimal. Like I've said before, random spotting I can handle, excessive periods, I cannot.

I'm still paranoid about the hair loss. There really isn't any indication that I am losing hair but I don't want to wake up one day and realize that 50% of my hair is gone! Change is so gradual that you don't really realize it until you just do. kind of like gaining or losing weight.

That is all I have to report. Tomorrow I will call for my 3 month check up and see how that goes!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is VERY exciting! I got my blood taken and my medication levels are perfect! I was sweating it because you don't know if your levels are lowered until you have a seizure or blood taken. But, now I know! I hope someone who is taking lamictal stumbles upon this blog and will know that Implanon is safe! I have no idea to make my blog more public, so here is just hoping I guess.

As far as the hair issue goes, my hair doesn't appear any thinner, there isn't an excessive amount of hair in my shower drain and the most hair comes out when I brush it fresh from the shower with tangles and all. So, I don't think there is any cause for alarm. Maybe the vitamins are helping, there is no way to know really. I just got the shampoo today, which I probably should use anyway because my hair is dry all the time it seems.

Well, anyway,  that news put a smile on my face and my mind to rest! Side note: I've been running for about 2 weeks now, 1 hour 4-5 days a week and I still seem to be in that plateau. I lost about 4 pounds but I hope this isn't related. I will keep with it, I have to keep in mind the holidays are coming up and running for an hour might not counteract the massive sugar and Thanksgiving dinners (I have a big family and we have a Thanksgiving weekend. Huge meals 3 times a day over a period of 4 days plus a lot of sitting around and socializing).

So, that is all for now. Next I have to set up my 3 month check up with the doctor who did the procedure sometime soon. It probably won't be until December because the clinic that did it is one of the few bilingual offices and we have a big Mexican-American population so you can imagine the wait.

I digress...

I will update on the 3 month check up and my exciting 3 month anniversary. I know are all as excited as I am.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My spotting stopped just this past Monday, so that was a huge relief! I'm still losing weight, my skin isn't breaking out other than small clogged pores from sweating, but I am still seeing more hair falling out than I'm used to. This could be me being paranoid, I don't know. I suppose I never really thought about hair loss before so I might just be noticing it more now.

Never the less, I am faithfully taking my vitamins. I'm also noticing that my scalp is super dry. This could be from the changing seasons, so I'm going to buy TIGI's Peace, Love and Planet Eco Awesome line which has all these natural oils in it. It probably doesn't help that I wash my hair everyday either, but my hair is soooooo oily except when I use shampoos like Biologe which dries out hair. Maybe switching will help not only with the dryness but also the shedding.

Anywho, I'm planning on getting my blood taken Friday, other than that, things are great!