Saturday, November 26, 2011


Well cyberspace friends, I haven't updated in awhile and I have two very good reasons. One is that nothing has really changed and two, certain things have changed dramatically.

As far as physical things go, I'm 100% ok. My hair is intact, I still don't have periods, no sporadic bleeding. All is well.

However, I will say that I have gained about 15 lbs and I hate it. What is worse is being so depressed that I do nothing about it. I've struggled with depression throughout my life, however this bout seems to be insurmountable. I have a few good days, but then I have several not so good. I sleep constantly, I eat just about everything, and nothing is really pulling me out of it. The good days are never enough, you know?I feel like I'm just floating along, getting through each day. I have so many wonderful things in my life, but I don't look forward to them. They do not bring me the same pleasure anymore. I just got accepted to study abroad in Sweden and I just can't be excited about it. I used to get up everyday and just feel happy about the wonder that each day holds and I loved all the possibilities. That has changed and even on the good days, I don't feel that way. Also, when I was doing all the research I could on Implanon, one review stuck out to me and still sticks with me. This girl was writing how angry she felt while on Implanon and wrote (forgive me, it might not be verbatum) "I know how frustrating it is to feel so angry and not know why or where its coming from." I feel that way and for the first time in my life, I'm seriously considering anti-depressants.

Also, to be as frank as possible, my sex drive just isn't there. I'm not some crazy nympho or anything, but I do know that being this passive isn't normal. What I feel is a lot like how I felt on Yaz. I don't really get crushes, I don't really feel attracted to anyone, I get no sexual feelings from kissing or touching, and  I really don't care that I don't feel those things. I really wouldn't mind the suppression of my sex drive because I don't need a relationship right now, but the depression is going along with it and that isn't ok with me.

I don't honestly know if Implanon is the problem. There is so much going on in my life, but that is nothing new. Ever since September, I haven't been the same. And that would mark about my 1 year anniversary on Implanon.

At this point, I don't know what to do. I feel very conflicted. Taking out Implanon is a serious decision for many reasons. One being it was my last option for birth control. Another is the procedure probably won't be covered by insurance. Another is that Implanon may not be the problem. On Monday, I'm going to make some calls, set up appointments and see what doctors have to say. 

I'm so disappointed that Implanon might be the problem. I wanted this to work out so bad and everything was going so well. But now its not anymore. A few weeks back, I told myself that if things don't get better within a few weeks then I would get it taken out. I thought after getting accepted to study abroad, I would feel better. After I got accepted, I thought getting the all the information would help. It really hasn't. There is a serious problem and I gotta find out what it is.

 As always, I will update the blog with what I find out, if things change, and/or if I decide to get rid of Implanon.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Year Anniversary! Woooo!

Well, everyone, as the post indicates; it's my 1 year anniversary for having Implanon! I'm still doing great on it and the spotting never happens anymore! Overall, I'm quite happy!

I will say though, as I have in previous posts, I do suspect my sex drive isn't quite what it used to be before I got Implanon. Of course, there are other factors. I'm stressed out as HELL right now and have been for most of the summer. I'm taking 5 classes this semester, applying to study abroad, applying for Grad school for next fall, and I have 2 part time jobs. I have quite a plate full and I often wonder what the hell I am thinking half the time. Sorry, I know that is off topic, but I gotta vent! Plus, I'd like to think it helps others understand that Implanon isn't always the sole cause for common side effects.

Anyway, good luck to anyone else who wants to try Implanon! I'm so excited this HAS helped others and will continue to do so in the future. I promise to keep blogging as long as there are people visiting!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update: Month # 11

Ok, I haven't updated in awhile. Sorry! But it's a good thing because there is nothing to update about! Good news, yet it makes for boring blog time.

So, everything is going great! The spotting almost never happens now and I don't appear to be getting anymore PMS flares, as far as I can tell. I have gained some weight, but that is just me not eating and exercising like I should :(. Also, I've heard so much advice about hair loss and how we go through cycles of increased hair loss and then a more normal amount, which seems to have happened. 

Overall, I'm very pleased with my decision. I still constantly thumb over the implant, it's an unconscious habit now. It is nice to not have to think about taking birth control, yet having that constant security of being responsible about birth control!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cramps... As Usual

So as of yesterday, I have had cramps and they are getting annoying! I'm also going through that usual food craving stage, however chocolate isn't at the forefront of my cravings this time. That of course doesn't stop me from shoving any other kind of sweet in my mouth though. If it's not one thing, then it's something else! Ugh!

Other than that, I am good.  Weight is stable, mood is stable, hair seems normal, no spotting lately, no excessive acne. It's now been 9 months, so I am pretty happy that this has stayed consistent. Cramping and food craving once a month doesn't seem so bad when you think of all the other things that could happen.

I guess that is all for now! I hope you have enjoyed this post! (There is a bit of sarcasm there ; )   )

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Quick Update

I just wanted to update everyone really quick. In the last post, I talked about how I got a light period and it was lasting more than 3 days. Well, it stopped this past Monday and everything is good now! So, I am quite relieved!

Oh, and be sure to check out another Implanon blog:
 She just got Implanon not too long ago and is blogging about it too! It's nice because you won't have to fish through her archives if you start reading it now, whereas mine has a few months worth of posts to catch up on. Her story might even be more relateable to you than mine as well because she has different reasons for getting it and so on. Bottomline: check it out!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Update time!

Hey everyone!
I'm so flattered that I have inspired some of you to start a blog too!!!! That is so cool! I will check them out, it will be interesting to read a more personal story about Implanon too! Thank you everyone!

Well, I'm having a period! Slight cramps, light bleeding. It started Wednesday night, just light spotting like I usually get. But then I started getting clots (sorry I know that is graphic, but it's the truth) and light spotting. Now, it's light bleeding. At this point, it's fine but WHAT IF....!!!!! Like always, time will tell. BUT I PRAY that it's going to be fine and it will go away like tomorrow and not come back for another 8 months or so!

What is also interesting is that I didn't have any PMS signs and I'm not sure what exactly that means. I am irritated that I have cramps though.... grrrrr!

Anyway, that is all for now. Thank you again for reading this and commenting! I try to reply to each one, but there were like 4 or 5 so I just thought I would do a mass thank you to avoid repetition!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, about mid last week, I started to crave food A LOT. Which sucks when you are trying to diet. AND I wanted chocolate like crazy! ALSO not good for a diet!!! That aside, it worried me because those are warning signs before a period. I've read that women crave chocolate before their periods because it contains magnesium and iron. Magnesium can help curb PMS and since we bleed, we lose iron. Hence why we crave chocolate!

 Needless to say, I'm not too happy about this! I even had those familiar cramps I get when I first start my period. But, nothing yet. Not even a hint of spotting. Let's hope it stays that way!!!!

Now, I want nothing but regular food that is good for you and not sugar and salt! (I crave salt too.... which I read is also common).

Anyway, just wanted to post that update.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Been Awhile

It's been over a month since I posted last! Oops! Life just gets crazy, I get lazy... you know how it goes.

Well, everything is going well! My latest OBGYN visit went well and I no longer have to go back every 6 months! YAY! When I got my abnormal pap back in January of 09, I've been going 2 times a year. BUT not anymore! Very exciting stuff.

I've also lost 10 lbs! I'm going to be in a wedding in March, so I've been dieting and exercising regularly and it's paying off.

However, I was having a problem with acne. It seems that I can no longer wear my make-up ALL day, as it irritates my skin and causes breakouts. I had this problem when I was in high school too, so I'm used to it. Now I just use face wash every night and the acne problem is solved.

I still waiver back and forth about my hair, but I'm 85% sure it's paranoia.

I will say... I do spot randomly. I'm thinking it's roughly every two weeks and it lasts a day. It starts with two or three spots, then by the end of the day there is like a thin line in my underwear (sorry if that is graphic, but I'm just telling you how it is!). Then, the next day, it's gone and the dark spots/line washes out (if I haven't thrown a pad on before it starts, of course). No big deal. Maybe it will get worse, maybe it won't. I'm just taking it day by day.

As far as going in for the check-up, the doctor who did the procedure isn't working at that clinic anymore. I feel that since I saw my OBGYN and she knows about it, then I'm fine. But, if I start to get side effects, I'm tracking that doctor down!!!!